I am a first-time user.  How do I access my online journal?  
Where do I find my customer account and subscriber number?
How do I access my journal online?
Can I access online journals if I am not a subscriber?
How will I be notified that my subscription to a journal is about to expire? 
I forgot my username and password. What do I do?

Do I need a customer account and subscriber number to place an order online?
How will my online order be confirmed?
How do I remove products from my shopping cart?

How long will it take my order to reach me?
What is the shipping cost?
Can my billing and shipping address be different?
Can I have my office billed when I place an order online?

What discount specials does Quintessence offer customers who order products at a convention?
What conventions will Quintessence participate in this year?

Do I receive a discount on books?
Do I receive a discount on journal subscriptions?

How does Institutional IP-based online access work?
How can I get online access to a journal?
What happens if I have problems with online access?
As a librarian, do I need a username and password to access the online journals?
I am a librarian and I need to change the IP address details that Quintessence has registered for my institution.
What should I do?

My institution has a subscription to a Quintessence journal, and access to the web site, but I am not able to see the full text of articles. I am prompted for a username and password. Why is this happening?

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